In The News Press Releases
July 2, 2019

Inteplast investing $20 million, hiring up to 70 at Remington plant

Inteplast Group acquired a new facility in Remington, Indiana, where it plans to invest $20 million and hire up to 70 workers.

May 28, 2019

The dirty business of sorting your recycling bin

Recycling is a ritual in a lot of Canadian homes, and we do it with the best intentions. But intentions in our kitchens may not be good enough.

February 5, 2019

It’s A Recycling Extravaganza in Inteplast’s Coloring Book

Inteplast Group has printed its premiere coloring book about recycling, Journey to the Big Time Recycling Extravaganza, complete with a glossary, maze, word search, and more. The resource shows clearly how the plastics industry can package an educational punch with a good story and a bit of creativity.

January 15, 2019

As You Sow seeks transparency on plastic pellet spills from resin producers

The Dec. 5, 2018, issue of The Clean Sweep newsletter provides profiles of companies that participate in the Plastics Industry Association’s program. Inteplast Group in Lolita, TX, signed up in June 2014, and although the facility was already implementing resin loss and spill prevention practices, the company wanted to align with the OCS, according to Dan Martino, Senior Director, Texas Administration.

November 6, 2018

Sustainability through Innovation and Manufacturing Pride

Inteplast Group has cultivated more than 25 years of manufacturing leadership within the plastics industry. In fact, as the company approached the dawn of the new millennium more than 18 years ago, there was no doubt that it would not only need to integrate sustainability in its operations but also make products that would allow its customers the same options for their patrons...